
web development java, css3, sql, j-query.

  • 1.7 rating
  • (1 Reviews)
  • 5 students enrolled

web development java, css3, sql, j-query.

Learn how to sketch your fashion ideas. A step-by-step course on how professionals do it.

  • 1.7 rating
  • (1 Reviews)
  • 5 students enrolled
  • Free
  • Course Includes
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • On-demand video
  • downloadable resource


What learn

  • They will learn pencil techniques in order to create shirring/gathers, and shading, and the use of color pencils.
  • They will learn movement of the body, balance, plumb line.
  • They will learn about a fashion diary/journal, as a source of inspiration in order to be a great designer.

Course Content

4 sections • 5 lectures • 00h 55m total length
Steps in Fashion Illustration
How to draw a dress design - Dresses Drawing
Tips to draw better a fashion sketch
Fashion Design


  • laptop internet software apps




  1. What is HTML?
  2. Getting Started
  3. Code editing programs
  4. Browsers
  5. Elements
  6. Hello World!
  7. Page/Tab Titles
  8. Doctypes
  9. Attributes
  10. Headers
  11. Line Breaks
  12. Bold vs. Strong
  13. Italics vs. Emphasis
  14. Underline
  15. Code Comments
  16. Links
  17. Internal Links
  18. Relative Links
  19. Images
  20. Block Elements vs. Inline Elements
  21. Div Elements
  22. Lists
  23. Introduction to Tables, Rows and Cells
  24. Tables: Merging Cells and Columns
  25. Module Summary
  26. The DOM
  27. Introduction XHTML
  28. Inline CSS
  29. CSS Crash Course & Internal CSS
  30. External CSS & CSS Files
  31. Code Formatting
  32. Bold & Italic Semantics
  33. Head Elements
  34. Meta Tags
  35. Asset Pathing
  36. Favicons
  37. HTML Entities
  38. Introduction to Forms
  39. Input Elements
  40. Textarea
  41. Buttons
  42. Dropdown Menus
  43. New HTML5 Semantic Tags
  44. Videos
  45. Music/Audio
  46. Introduction to Responsive Web Design


  1. CSS Introduction
  2. Syntax Introduction
  3. Editors
  4. What is Inline CSS?
  5. What is Internal CSS?
  6. What is External CSS?
  7. Color Types
  8. Background Colors
  9. Background Images
  10. Repeating Background Images
  11. Borders
  12. The Box Model (Extremely Important!)
  13. Padding
  14. Margin
  15. Centering an Element
  16. Outline
  17. Cursor
  18. Mini Project
  19. Mini Project: Solution
  20. Text Color
  21. Text Alignment
  22. Text Decoration
  23. Text Transform
  24. Text Indent
  25. Letter Spacing
  26. Line Height
  27. Direction
  28. Word Spacing
  29. Serif vs. Sans Serif
  30. Font Family
  31. Lots of Free Fonts
  32. Font Style
  33. Font Size
  34. Font Weight
  35. Font Variant
  36. Font Awesome Icons
  37. Links Introduction
  38. Hover Over Links
  39. Visited Links
  40. Active Links
  41. Grouping Selectors
  42. Descendant Selectors and Specificity
  43. Child Selectors
  44. Adjacent Selectors
  45. List Style Type
  46. List Style Position
  47. List Style Image
  48. Tables
  49. Table Borders
  50. Table Cell Vertical Align
  51. Table Row Hover Effect
  52. Mini Project
  53. Mini Project: Solution
  54. Display Introduction
  55. Display Block
  56. Display Inline
  57. Display Inline-Block
  58. Display None
  59. Width
  60. Height
  61. Position Introduction
  62. Position Relative
  63. Position Absolute
  64. Position Fixed
  65. Overlapping Elements with Z-Index
  66. Overflow Introduction
  67. Overflow Scroll
  68. Overflow Auto
  69. Overflow Hidden
  70. Float Introduction
  71. Float Left & Right
  72. Clear
  73. Clearfix Hack
  74. Opacity
  75. Advanced Selectors Introduction
  76. Attribute Selector
  77. Exact Value Selector
  78. Contains Value Selector
  79. Starts With Selector
  80. Ends With Selector
  81. Pseudo Selector Introduction
  82. Hover Selector
  83. First Child Selector
  84. Last Child Selector
  85. Focus Selector
  86. Checked Selector
  87. Disabled Selector
  88. Enabled Selector
  89. Not Selector
  90. Before Selector
  91. After Selector
  92. The Project
  93. The Solution (Full)
  94. CSS1 and CSS2 Summary
  95. CSS3 Introduction
  96. Border Radius
  97. Round Images
  98. Individually Rounded Corners
  99. Background Sizes
  100. Multiple Background Images at the Same Time
  101. RGBA
  102. HSL and HSLA
  103. Opacity vs. Alpha
  104. Linear Gradients
  105. Linear Gradient Colors and Transparency
  106. Repeating Linear Gradients
  107. Radial Gradients
  108. Repeating Radial Gradients
  109. Amazing Gradient Tools
  110. Shadow Introduction
  111. Text Shadows
  112. Box Shadows
  113. Mini Project: Creating a CSS Card
  114. Text Introduction
  115. Text Overflow
  116. Word Wrap
  117. Word Break
  118. Text Align Last
  119. Self-Hosted Custom Fonts
  120. Transition Introduction
  121. Transitioning Sizes
  122. Transitioning Colors
  123. Transition Timing Functions (Speed Curves)
  124. Transition Delay
  125. CSS & CSS3 Masterclass: CSS3 Animations
  126. Translate
  127. Rotate
  128. Scale
  129. Skew
  130. Multiple Transformations
  131. 3D Transformations
  132. Animation Introduction
  133. Animation Keyframes
  134. Your First Animation
  135. Animation Fill Mode
  136. Create a Blinking Animation
  137. Animation Iteration Count
  138. Animation Delay
  139. Animation Direction
  140. Animation Timing Functions (Speed Curves)
  141. Animation Mini Project
  142. Animation Mini Project: Solution
  143. Columns
  144. Resize
  145. Box Sizing (Extremely Important!)
  146. Flexbox Introduction
  147. Equal Sized Columns
  148. Flexbox Order
  149. Flexbox Rows and Columns
  150. Flexbox Reversed Rows and Columns
  151. Flexbox Basis
  152. Flexbox Wrap
  153. Flexbox Vertical Alignment
  154. Flexbox Align Items
  155. Flexbox Justify Content
  156. Flexbox Align Self
  157. Flexbox Align Content
  158. Responsive Flexbox Layout Project Part 1
  159. Responsive Web Design (RWD) Introduction
  160. Responsive Web Design (RWD) Meta Tag
  161. A Quick Demo
  162. Responsive Layout with Flexbox
  163. Responsive Web Design (RWD) Print Mode
  164. Multiple Media Queries
  165. Responsive Images
  166. Responsive iFrames
  167. Responsive Web Design (RWD) Summary


  1. JS Introduction
  2. JS Getting Started
  3. JS Syntax
  4. JS Variables
  5. JS Generating Output
  6. JS Data Types
  7. JS Operators
  8. JS Events
  9. JS Strings
  10. JS Numbers
  11. JS If…Else
  12. JS Switch…Case
  13. JS Arrays
  14. JS Sorting Arrays
  15. JS Loops
  16. JS Functions
  17. JS Objects
  18. JS DOM Nodes
  19. JS DOM Selectors
  20. JS DOM Styling
  21. JS DOM Get Set Attributes
  22. JS DOM Manipulation
  23. JS DOM Navigation
  24. JS Window
  25. JS Screen
  26. JS Location
  27. JS History
  28. JS Navigator
  29. JS Dialog Boxes
  30. JS Timers
  31. JS Date and Time
  32. JS Math Operations
  33. JS Type Conversions
  34. JS Event Listeners
  35. JS Event Propagation
  36. JS Borrowing Methods
  37. JS Hoisting Behavior
  38. JS Closures
  39. JS Strict Mode
  40. JS JSON Parsing
  41. JS Error Handling
  42. JS Regular Expressions
  43. JS Form Validation
  44. JS Cookies
  45. JS AJAX Requests
  46. JS ES6 Features


  1. PHP Introduction
  2. PHP Getting Started
  3. PHP Syntax
  4. PHP Variables
  5. PHP Constants
  6. PHP Echo and Print
  7. PHP Data Types
  8. PHP Strings
  9. PHP Operators
  10. PHP If…Else
  11. PHP Switch…Case
  12. PHP Arrays
  13. PHP Sorting Arrays
  14. PHP Loops
  15. PHP Functions
  16. PHP Math Operations
  17. PHP GET and POST
  18. PHP Date and Time
  19. PHP Include Files
  20. PHP File system
  21. PHP Parsing Directories
  22. PHP File Upload
  23. PHP File Download
  24. PHP Cookies
  25. PHP Sessions
  26. PHP Send Email
  27. PHP Form Handling
  28. PHP Form Validation
  29. PHP Filters
  30. PHP Error Handling
  31. PHP Classes and Objects
  32. PHP Magic Constants
  33. PHP JSON Parsing
  34. PHP Regular Expressions
  35. PHP Exception Handling
  36. PHP MySQL Introduction
  37. PHP MySQL Connect
  38. PHP MySQL Create Database
  39. PHP MySQL Create Table
  40. PHP MySQL Insert
  41. PHP MySQL Prepared
  42. PHP MySQL Last Inserted ID
  43. PHP MySQL Select
  44. PHP MySQL Where
  45. PHP MySQL Limit
  46. PHP MySQL Order By
  47. PHP MySQL Update
  48. PHP MySQL Delete
  49. PHP MySQL CRUD Application
  50. PHP MySQL Ajax Search
  51. PHP MySQL Login System
  52. PHP String Functions
  53. PHP Array Functions
  54. PHP File System Functions
  55. PHP Date/Time Functions
  56. PHP Calendar Functions
  57. PHP MySQLi Functions
  58. PHP Filters
  59. PHP Error Levels


  1. SQL Introduction
  2. SQL Getting Started
  3. SQL Syntax
  4. SQL Create Database
  5. SQL Create Table
  6. SQL Constraints
  7. SQL Insert
  8. SQL Select
  9. SQL Where
  10. SQL AND & OR
  11. SQL IN & Between
  12. SQL Order By
  13. SQL Top/Limit
  14. SQL Distinct
  15. SQL Update
  16. SQL Delete
  17. SQL Truncate Table
  18. SQL Drop
  19. SQL Joining Tables
  20. SQL Inner Join
  21. SQL Left Join
  22. SQL Right Join
  23. SQL Full Join
  24. SQL Cross Join
  25. SQL Union
  26. SQL Like
  27. SQL Alter Table
  28. SQL Aliases
  29. SQL Group By
  30. SQL Having
  31. SQL Create View
  32. SQL Create Index
  33. SQL Dates and Times
  34. SQL Cloning Tables
  35. SQL Temporary Tables
  36. SQL Subqueries
  37. SQL Injection
  38. SQL Data Types
  39. SQL Functions


  1. jQuery Introduction
  2. jQuery Getting Started
  3. jQuery Syntax
  4. jQuery Selectors
  5. jQuery Events
  6. jQuery Show/Hide
  7. jQuery Fade
  8. jQuery Slide
  9. jQuery Animation
  10. jQuery Stop
  11. jQuery Chaining
  12. jQuery Callback
  13. jQuery Get/Set
  14. jQuery Insert
  15. jQuery Remove
  16. jQuery CSS Classes
  17. jQuery Style Properties
  18. jQuery Dimensions
  19. jQuery Traversing
  20. jQuery Ancestors
  21. jQuery Descendants
  22. jQuery Siblings
  23. jQuery Filtering
  24. jQuery Ajax
  25. jQuery Load
  26. jQuery Get/Post
  27. jQuery No-Conflict


  1. Bootstrap Introduction
  2. Bootstrap Getting Started
  3. Bootstrap Containers
  4. Bootstrap Grid System
  5. Bootstrap Fixed Layout
  6. Bootstrap Fluid Layout
  7. Bootstrap Responsive Layout
  8. Bootstrap Typography
  9. Bootstrap Tables
  10. Bootstrap Lists
  11. Bootstrap List Groups
  12. Bootstrap Forms
  13. Bootstrap Custom Forms
  14. Bootstrap Input Groups
  15. Bootstrap Buttons
  16. Bootstrap Button Groups
  17. Bootstrap Images
  18. Bootstrap Cards
  19. Bootstrap Media Objects
  20. Bootstrap Icons
  21. Bootstrap Navs
  22. Bootstrap Navbar
  23. Bootstrap Accordion
  24. Bootstrap Breadcrumbs
  25. Bootstrap Pagination
  26. Bootstrap Badges
  27. Bootstrap Progress Bars
  28. Bootstrap Spinners
  29. Bootstrap Jumbotron
  30. Bootstrap Helper Classes
  31. Bootstrap Modals
  32. Bootstrap Dropdowns
  33. Bootstrap Tabs
  34. Bootstrap Collapse
  35. Bootstrap Tooltips
  36. Bootstrap Popovers
  37. Bootstrap Alerts
  38. Bootstrap Stateful Buttons
  39. Bootstrap Carousel
  40. Bootstrap Typeahead
  41. Bootstrap ScrollSpy
  42. Bootstrap Toasts

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About Instructor

About Instructor

Student Feedback

Course Rating

Angshuman Biswas
