
Programming Language


Programming Language Courses

  • 2 Classes
  • 4 Minutes
  • 1 Students
  • beginner

Title: Basics of Social Media Marketing Level: Beginner Description: Here Students can learn the Basics of Robotics, Arduin..

  • Free
  • No Rating

  • (0 Reviews)
What learn
  • Arduino UNO
  • Ultrasonic Sensor
  • Distance Measurement
  • Relay Switch Part-1
  • Relay Switch Part-2
  • Relay Switch Final Part
  • IR and PIR part- 1
  • IR and PIR part- 2
  • IR and PIR part- 3
  • Gas Sensor
  • LCD part- 1
  • LCD part- 2
  • Multimeter and battery part - 1
  • Multimeter and battery part - 2
  • Servo Motor Part - 1
  • Servo Motor Part - 2
  • Message from Instructor
  • 5 Classes
  • 55 Minutes
  • 0 Students
  • trending

Learn how to sketch your fashion ideas. A step-by-step course on how professionals do it.

  • Free
  • (1 Reviews)
What learn
  • They will learn pencil techniques in order to create shirring/gathers, and shading, and the use of color pencils.
  • They will learn movement of the body, balance, plumb line.
  • They will learn about a fashion diary/journal, as a source of inspiration in order to be a great designer.