
Digital Marketing


Digital Marketing Courses

  • 5 Classes
  • 22 Minutes
  • 24 Students
  • beginner

Learn digital marketing like never before.

  • Free
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What learn
  • Get friendly and fast support in the course Q&A
  • What's new in ES6: arrow functions, classes, default and rest parameters, etc.
  • Organize and structure your code using JavaScript patterns like modules
  • Get friendly and fast support in the course Q&A
  • 1 Classes
  • 30 Minutes
  • 4 Students
  • beginner

Title: Basics of Social Media Marketing Level: Beginner Description: Dive into the world of social media marketing with our..

  • Free
  • No Rating

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What learn
  • Over view of social media marketing
  • Understanding your audience
  • Crafting compelling content
  • Platform selection and strategy
  • Paid social advertising & influencer marketing
  • Future trends in social media marketing